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St. Benedict's Kicks-Off 2023-2024 Acorn Fund Campaign

St. Benedict's Episcopal School is excited to kick off our 2023-2024 Acorn Fund Campaign! For those new to our community this year, The Acorn Fund is St. Benedict's Annual Fundraiser that runs from August through January and is the school's most important giving opportunity.

At St. Benedict's, tuition alone does not cover all our operating expenses, as a result, the school depends on the generosity of our community to help close the gap between tuition and the actual cost of educating each student. Parent, board, faculty, and staff participation directly influences the opportunities to receive grants and major gifts from donors. When foundations and donors see that our community gives to The Acorn Fund, they are more apt to support St. B's. So, whether you can provide a little or a lot, your participation is vital.

Gifts to the Acorn Fund directly support St. Benedict's unique educational model to provide a diverse and faith-based education with high standards of excellence. Your generosity to the Annual Acorn Fund enables us to keep our class sizes small, to offer a robust Spanish curriculum, STEAM, and to hire exceptional teachers. Your tax-deductible gift impacts every aspect of a St. B's education – our academic, arts, and Spanish programs; our technology offerings; our extracurricular opportunities; our campus and facilities; and professional development for our faculty.

This year, 10% of the Acorn Fund proceeds will be dedicated to continuing to enhance our safety measures. During the summer, we completed crucial safety upgrades, including security netting on our preschool playgrounds, additional fobs for improved access control, speed bumps to ensure a safer environment, and more security cameras to enhance surveillance. By establishing a new school security partnership, we are committed to regularly updating and implementing the latest safety protocols and equipment

If you have questions about The Acorn Fund or are interested in sponsorship opportunities, don't hesitate to contact Stephanie Alvarez, Director Of Development, by email at



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