Dear St. B's Community,
As you may know, we are in the process of expanding St. Benedict's Episcopal School's facilities to accommodate our unique educational model. The new construction will house students and provide more academic resources.
We need your help to show the Cobb County Commissioners overwhelming support for zoning the property for St. Benedict's school use. Carpool control is their biggest issue, so please make sure you are positive about how we run carpool.
Please send an email ALL of our Cobb County Commissioners with some of the following information:
SUBJECT LINE - Support for Z-78 (2021)/SLUP-11 - St. Benedict's
Your name and address
Number of years you have been enrolled at St. Benedict's
Why you chose St. Benedict's, and why you think it is an asset to the Smyrna community
How St. Benedict's works with the community, especially ensuring carpool is run smoothly (number of staff that help, staking, etc.)
Why childcare and educational choices are valuable assets to the Smyrna community
MIDDLE SCHOOL - please mention how we keep you from using the northside of Weaver Street, for example not being able to turn right out the parking lot, and emails you receive from the school about traffic control.
Here are the email addresses of our Commissioners:
Lisa Cupid, Chairwoman,
Keli Gambrill, District,
Jerica Richardson, District,
Joann Birrell, District,
Monique Sheffield, District,
Finally, the public hearing will take place at the Cobb County Government Building (100 Cherokee Street, Marietta Square) on Tuesday, April 19, 2022, at 9:00 A.M. Please join if you can! It is essential to share your support both in-person and by email.
We are at an inspiring moment in the history of St. B's. Your support is needed now more than ever.
Father Brian Sullivan
Head of School
St. Benedict’s Episcopal School