FACTS Family Portal District code: sb-ga
Continuous Enrollment
School Calendar and Hours
You can find a detailed calendar for the school year here, including some dates for PA events.
School hours are as follows:
Preschool: 8:45 A.M.-12:45 P.M.
Kindergarten: 8:10 A.M.-2:20 P.M.
1st-4th Grades: 8:10 A.M.-3:10 P.M.
5th-8th Grades: 8:00 A.M.-3:10 P.M.
All students in grades K-8 will dismiss on Fridays at 2:20 P.M. throughout the school year. Carpool will begin after the 2:20 P.M. dismissal for all students in Kindergarten through 8th grade.
Uniform Guide
Kindergarten - 8th Grade
Uniforms are required for all Kindergarten through 8th grade students. These can be purchased at Lands’ End. The document explaining the uniform requirements can be found here.
If ordering from Lands’ End, you may use the link below for all of your ordering needs. Requirements are listed on the Lands’ End site, but a summary of all requirements is attached. Lands’ End offers a number of optional pieces. You will find many of these on the Lands’ End site marked as such. The biggest questions we receive are outerwear and shoes. Anything worn in the building to layer (sweatshirt, sweater, fleece, etc.) must be logo'ed. Anything worn just to the playground (like a rain coat or winter coat) does not require a logo – children can wear anything. Shoes are tricky because they are often not solid colors, but we ask athletic shoes be worn daily, and if a dress shoe is worn for Chapel (optional), children should always be able to run and play safely. Boots (winter or rain) as well as other wedged or open toe shoes are not permitted.
PE Uniform - All students in 4th 8th grade should wear the PE uniform on days that PE is scheduled (providing that PE doesn't fall on Chapel days...on those days, students will change at school for PE).
BEACH TOWELS: Please send a beach towel (LABELED WITH CHILD'S NAME) that may be kept at school for outside learning and lunches.
WATER BOTTLES: Please also send 2 water bottles each day (PLEASE LABEL) as we are not able to use water fountains for refills.
Preschool Tote Bag Requirement (1s, 2s, 3s, and 4s)
Preschool students are required to carry a St. Benedict’s tote bag and should bring it on the first day of class. These can be picked up in the front office of the Main Campus if you haven’t already picked up yet. The school office is open Monday–Friday from 9:00a to 3:00p.
Monogramming the student’s name on the bag is optional and, if desired, should be handled by the parent.
Carpool Tags & Maps
Our new carpool technology will be covered during Open Houses, but we will still utilize our carpool hang tags, the system used for carpool pickup. Each family is assigned a carpool number and must display a school-issued hang tag when picking up their student(s) in the carpool line. Returning families' numbers will remain the same. New families will be issued a new number and will receive two hang tags. Additional hang tags may be purchased for $6.00 each, and the charge will be applied to your FACTS account. If you would like to purchase additional hang tags, please email Mollie Gibson by July 22. We will not have the additional tags requested by the start of school.
Please note – the hang tags require a minimum amount to order, so if you think you may need additional tags throughout the school year, or if you have lost your tag from last year, please place your order now. Orders requested after July 22 may not be completed right away.
Carpool tags and a name tag for your student to wear the first day of school will be mailed to your home address this summer prior to the start of school. Please watch your mail for these and email Mollie Gibson if you do not receive by August 6.
We are asking families to arrive on Friday no earlier than 2:10pm. This helps the school increase instructional time, and honor our promise to the community by keeping cars from stacking-up on Cooper Lake Road.
For your reference, these are the carpool maps for Main (Preschool through 3rd grade), The Hive (4th grade) and South Campus (grades 5th-8th).
Early Pick-ups
Early pick-up is arranged by an email to your child's teacher. Children will not be released after 2:45pm Monday-Thursday and1:50pm on Friday. Please arrange early pick-up before these times to allow faculty and staff to end lessons and prepare for carpool.
Carpool Tags & Maps
Our new carpool technology will be covered during Open Houses, but we will still utilize our carpool hang tags, the system used for carpool pickup. Each family is assigned a carpool number and must display a school-issued hang tag when picking up their student(s) in the carpool line. Returning families' numbers will remain the same. New families will be issued a new number and will receive two hang tags. Additional hang tags may be purchased for $6.00 each, and the charge will be applied to your FACTS account. If you would like to purchase additional hang tags, please email Mollie Gibson. We will not have the additional tags requested by the start of school.
Please note – the hang tags require a minimum amount to order, so if you think you may need additional tags throughout the school year, or if you have lost your tag from last year, please place your order now. Orders requested after July 22 may not be completed right away.
Carpool tags and a name tag for your student to wear the first day of school will be mailed to your home address this summer prior to the start of school. Please watch your mail for these and email Mollie Gibson if you do not receive by August 6.
We are asking families to arrive on Friday no earlier than 2:10 P.M. This helps the school increase instructional time, and honor our promise to the community by keeping cars from stacking-up on Cooper Lake Road.
For your reference, these are the carpool maps for Main (Preschool through 3rd grade), The Hive (4th grade) and South Campus (grades 5th-8th).
Early Pick-ups
Early pick-up is arranged by an email to your child's teacher. Children will not be released after 2:45 P.M. Monday-Thursday and 1:50 P.M. on Friday. Please arrange early pick-up before these times to allow faculty and staff to end lessons and prepare for carpool.
Weekly chapel services are at the center of our common life. We gather as a community to celebrate, sing, and pray. We come together to share our stories, and we are reminded week after week of how God works in us as individuals and as a community. Chapel services are in the Episcopal tradition, but are accessible and welcome to people of all faiths. Chapel will be streamed on our YouTube this year for students
8:20 A.M. - First - Third Grades
8:20 A.M. - Fourth & Fifth Grades
9:15 A.M. - Preschool 3s - Kindergarten
8:20 A.M. - Sixth - Eighth Grades
Students participate as Chapel Leaders 8th Grade Chapel Talks. Parents are welcome to join!
This year, we are excited to introduce our new lunch service, Yay Lunch, which provides freshly made, balanced meals for students, faculty, and staff through a simple online ordering process.
All meals are prepared daily by local food partners and delivered to schools by the Yay Lunch team.
Register today to be the first to know when menus and ordering are live!
Lunch service will not be available on half-days (early dismissal). If students are planning to stay on these days, please be sure to send your child with a nut-free and shellfish-free lunch.
Please click here for detailed information about Stinger's Squad offerings, including:
Before and After Care program, which offers extended care from 7:15 A.M. to 6:00 P.M.
Afterschool Enrichment Clubs
Stingers Unplugged, which offers care on select days when school dismisses early or is not in session
Summer Camps!
Please complete the following health forms below in the event your child has health conditions we need to help manage:
These forms should be completed for our school nurses to provide care for any student with any of these needs. If you have completed one in the past, we must have it updated for each school year by July 1st.
You must also submit to the school a copy of each student’s Immunization Form 3231 and Hearing/Vision Form 3300 (K-8th).
All students must submit updated forms for the new school year even if no changes have been made. Please contact your pediatrician’s office to request the required immunization form.
We ask that you scan and email the forms directly to forms@stbs.org or you may bring them to the school’s front office or mail them to us at 2160 Cooper Lake Road, Smyrna, GA 30080.