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Middle School notifications and admission decisions are on a rolling basis after decisions are released.


April 5, 2025  


St. Benedict’s Preschool-8th grade model empowers middle school students to grow and learn in a safe and nurturing space where they can navigate the emotional, physical, and social transition from childhood to adolescence. Throughout their four years in Middle School, we prepare our students to engage in self-discovery, make good decisions, take on more responsibility, and see the world through a wider lens. We encourage our students - from fifth graders who are being introduced to the basics of Middle School to eighth graders who are anticipating the rigors of high school beyond St. B’s - to take risks and learn who they are.

Support for students’ social and emotional well-being is important at all stages but especially critical as our middle schoolers transition from the children they were in lower school through this phase of adolescence and teenage growth to the young adults they will become in high school and beyond. We are dedicated to fostering that growth and this is monitored by a team of people who know them best: their teachers and our Student Support Team.


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A Story of Growth and Success



We have high expectations for academic performance at St. B’s. Our academic program immerses students in coursework that inspires them to problem solve, collaborate with their peers, and communicate their ideas effectively. Our middle school atmosphere allows for rich interactions and close personal relationships between students and teachers, helping students grow intellectually, socially, and creatively.


When you visit our classrooms, you will see various active learning methods: Socratic seminars, labs, class discussions, oral presentations, interactive technology, game-based learning, and experiential learning to name a few.


In each grade level, students take 5 core classes: English, Math, History, Science, and Spanish. Co-curricular classes include STEAM, Integrated Arts, Band, PE, Religion, SWARM, and multiple club choices offered during the school day.

A rotating class schedule with eight periods—including recess every day—offers active engagement for adolescents’ developing minds.


Throughout the 4 years of middle school English courses, students gain comprehensive instruction in reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Developing a love of literature is at the heart of our English program and students explore a variety of genres through novels, short stories, and poetry. Cooperative group work, discussion, in-class writing, peer editing, and presenting are all used to develop critical reading and writing skills. Grammar and vocabulary are not taught in isolation, but integrated through mentor sentences and novel studies. As students move through the writing process, they strengthen their writing skills such as the creation of strong theses, developed paragraphs with specific supports and logical conclusions, and attention to audience and purpose.


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5th and 6th grade math continue to build upon concepts and skills that pave the way to a more concrete study of sophisticated math. Students gain more fluency with skills, in-depth understanding of concepts, and greater confidence in problem solving. Topics of study include: whole numbers, decimals, fractions, geometry, algebra, measurement, proportional relationships, and integers. Seventh grade students take either 7th Grade Math or Pre-Algebra. The Pre-Algebra course challenges students to enhance their critical thinking skills in order to promote further analytical and mathematical thought. Eighth grade students take Pre-Algebra or Algebra I, earning a high school credit for the latter. Algebra I integrates algebraic skill development with the broader framework of developing concepts. Functions and relations (including linear, quadratic, polynomial, and exponential) are used as a main theme in the study of Algebra.



Spanish is a core subject at St. Benedict’s and is taught by native-speaking teachers. Students begin taking Spanish in preschool, so their ability to converse, read, write, and conjugate verbs is quite advanced by the time they enter 5th grade. As they advance through middle school, students learn to conjugate all irregular, spelling change, and stem-changing verbs in the present tense and then begin to understand the differences between Preterit and Imperfect modes of the past tense. We begin the Autentico digital textbook series in 4th grade in preparation for middle school. With the Autentico digital textbooks, we connect our middle school students to the Spanish-speaking world through dynamic and student-centered lessons that integrate language and culture and include real-world video and cutting-edge technology that is integrated with Google Classroom and Google Drive. Students actively learn to communicate through interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational modes. Scaffolded instruction at every grade level meets the differentiated needs of Spanish language learners. Because of the emphasis placed on Spanish in Preschool-8th grade, our graduates typically enter high school Spanish as a second or third year student.



Students hone science process skills for laboratory explorations and use the engineering design process to construct solutions to problems in Physical Science (5th), Earth Science (6th grade), Life Science (7th grade), and Chemistry and Physics (8th grade). By aligning our St. Benedict’s learning outcomes with national and state standards, we provide opportunities for students to develop a scientific mindset.



Middle school students dive into the history, geography, government, and economics of various time periods. Fifth grade students study American history from Westward Expansion through Civil Rights. Sixth graders explore Ancient Civilizations through the Renaissance. Seventh graders shift their focus to World History with a focus on conflict and how the impact of war extends far beyond the battlefield, influencing politics, economics, the environment, and society. Eighth grade students develop a deeper understanding of American History and analyze common themes that emerge in history such as freedom, social justice, perspective, and hope.



From 5th to 8th, St. Benedict's students are exposed to a comprehensive and integrated fine arts program. We believe fine arts provides non-academic benefits such as promoting self-esteem, motivation, aesthetic awareness, cultural exposure, creativity, improved emotional expression, social harmony and an appreciation of diversity. In 5th grade, students elect to take Band, Drama, or Art & Design. In 6th-8th grade, students have the option of Band or Design Studio and can elect to participate in daytime clubs with a fine arts focus.



Being mindful of the inclusivity of our student’s cultural, racial, and religious backgrounds, we offer weekly worship services in the Episcopal morning prayer tradition. Religious instruction is a comparative journey of biblical sacred stories, ethics, and social justice. By graduation, all of our students are growing in love, faith, and respect for one another and God.



Our Middle School environment fosters creativity, resilience, and self-efficacy. Students begin each day in homeroom where we infuse current events and strategies that foster responsibility, and reflection. By the time students leave Middle School, they are expected to not only have mastered the learning outcomes identified in each academic discipline, but also be confident and capable students in time management, organization, note-taking, and study skills. By modeling empathy and cultivating life skills, we encourage our students to be good citizens, engaged in the world around them and mindful of the experiences and needs of others.



In the Middle School, teachers use a variety of formative and summative assessment methods to evaluate overall student achievement and guide decisions about instruction. Asking students to demonstrate their understanding of the subject matter is critical to the learning process and self-assessment is an important element at this level. Engaging students in the process of self-assessment and reflection helps students identify what they know and what they still need to understand. Each fall, students take the CTP5, which is a standardized test published by the Educational Records Bureau (ERB). Eighth graders may also take the PSAT or SSAT as they transition to high school.


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SWARM stands for Students with Accountability, Responsibility and Mindfulness. These are three character traits that we value and practice on a regular basis. SWARM classes happen once a week and cover various topics that are designed to help students become more well-rounded individuals, engaged in the world around them and mindful of the experiences and needs of others. Lessons focus on topics such as executive functioning skills, technology integration, health and nutrition, student-led conference prep, inclusive classrooms, appreciating diverse perspectives, and navigating challenges as middle schoolers.



We recognize that middle school students are in an age of exploration in order to find out who they are and where their passions lie. We offer a wide variety of clubs, built into the daytime schedule, that promote leadership and collaboration while allowing students to explore their talents and interests beyond traditional academic courses. Clubs include Beta Club, Yearbook Committee, Robotics Club, STEAM Club, Debate Club, 3-D Product Design Club, Athletic Club, POP Music Club, and Gardening Club. Belonging - Being mindful of the inclusivity of our student’s cultural, racial, and religious backgrounds, we offer weekly worship services in the Episcopal morning prayer tradition. Religious instruction is a comparative journey of biblical sacred stories, ethics, and social justice. By graduation, all of our students are growing in love, faith, and respect for one another and God. Honor Code - At St. Benedict’s, we believe that personal and academic integrity are of primary importance. Students pledge that they will uphold the honor code in all aspects of their day. Our St. Benedict’s community of mutual trust and respect is grounded in our Honor Code: As a St. Benedict’s student, I will conduct myself with personal and academic integrity. I pledge to respect others, put forth effort, and do my best work. Intentional Outplacement for High School - St. Benedict’s has an exceptional reputation for graduating highly capable, dynamic, inquisitive young men and women. The high school placement process begins in May of 7th grade. Every student and their family will meet with the Associate Head of School to prepare for the process. We encourage our students to take ownership of their high school outplacement and explore a variety of options to discover which characteristics are important to fostering their continued growth and development. St. Benedict's outplacement process offers opportunities for self-reflection, increased self-awareness, support and resources to find a high school that will be the best fit. Our graduates are accepted by and attend many prestigious schools in Atlanta.


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By the completion of their St. B’s experience, they are competent, confident, and character-filled teens ready to continue their educational journey at their respective high schools. We encourage our students to take ownership of their high school outplacement and explore a variety of options to discover which characteristics are important to fostering their continued growth and development. St. Benedict's outplacement process offers opportunities for self-reflection, increased self-awareness, support and resources to find a high school that will be the best fit. Our graduates are accepted by and attend many prestigious schools in Atlanta.

Angela McKenzie

Academic Chair

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