Episcopal Education
The Episcopal Church, previously the Church of England, was founded after the Revolutionary War. It is still a member of the worldwide Anglican Communion which has a rich heritage in religious tradition and academic excellence. Together they affirm the value of a spiritual dimension of learning, integrating faith and reason. Episcopal Schools combine rigorous and free intellectual inquiry with an unapologetic proclamation of faith in a loving God.
The Episcopal tradition has long valued the free exercise of God’s gift of reason and has demonstrated those values in some of the finest preschool, elementary school and secondary schools worldwide. In the United States, Episcopal school student populations average about one-third Episcopalians. The remaining two-thirds are highly diverse including members of other Christian denominations and other faith traditions. Our values include:

Welcome To St. Benedict's Episcopal School
Hospitality to all faith traditions: Episcopal schools are inclusive.
Our Chapel service is a traditional Christian service but focuses on rite, tradition and spirituality rather than doctrine. We believe that there is considerable room inside the Church for differences of faith and even differences of belief, yet we are grounded in the traditional Christian values that unite and do not divide people.
Religious instruction is comparative and not dogmatic. We teach world religions and we expose our students to other religious traditions as we celebrate our common belief in God.
We value reason as a way to understanding God. We believe the truth will set us free and God has given and encouraged us to seek the truth without fearing where it may lead.
We are founded in God’s love for humanity. We act out of love, teach love, model love and love one another.